We're having a baby!!.. We're having a lot of fun with it already, i keep shouting 'Why can't you be more like your big brother' at Shar's belly and she says stuff like 'The baby wants ice cream from that shop 2 miles away' in order to get me to do stuff I wouldn't do for her. When people ask if you want a boy or girl, people are inclined to say that they don't mind, I would prefer a girl, but I have a boy and i feel i've done a good job so far with him, so if we had a boy i'd know what i was doing. Everyone's very excited for us, it's been a long time coming. I'm a little worried, and here's why...Shar kept a diary of when we did it in order to predict when we concieved, and it looks like it was that time we had the most boring shag in the history of sex, and I'm convinced that because of that we'll have a boring, geek child. I can see myself coming home from work someday & Cecil standing there 'Hiiiiiii Daaaad', and I'll be like 'Fuck off child, where's James?'
Not really gonna name our child 'Cecil', gonna think long & hard before I inflict a name on my child!!
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