A lot of these social networking sites are lost on me, but a lot of my friends use 'Facebook' so not wanting to be left out I use it too. The thing is it seems to be all about making you feel good about yourself. Every quiz gives you an answer you want, for example, my celebrity girlfriend is Megan Fox, I bet Jade Goody, or that fat one with the coke habit weren't in there. Everyday my horoscope tells me my luck is gonna change & I'm gonna find love (Oh God, please no!!). Just took the 'How will you be remembered' quiz....'People will remember you as a funny, happy go laucky type of person'..Not a typo, it actually said 'Laucky' (Facebook, making you feel good about your poor spelling since 2008).....and I'm a miserable bastard,..and I gave the worst answers possible.
Another thing, it's makes you so nosey, I have zero interest in people but find myself snooping peoples pages for hours, tyring to find out something scandalous, no luck so far, I know some fairly boring people. Just did another quiz, 'What does your name mean?'..and this is verbatim..'
''That's what i call a sexy name..When ppl hear ya name they get incredibly attracted by ya!you hat babe!!''...Who makes up this shit, if you can't spell then you aren't qualified to analyze people's personalities..and my name is 'Owen'....pretty sure there's nothing sexy about that.
..It's light-hearted stuff and I know I'm taking this way too seriously....but my point is that some people take this stuff to heart, if you want to know who you really are, don't listen to Facebook telling you that you're awesome, take a good look at yourself!!!
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