Even though I have no plans to name our baby until I see it, people keep asking me and my girlfriend like to talk 'names' a lot. I think the honourable thing to do is to name a baby after someone, a loved family member, historical figure etc. So my son now wants to name him/her 'Hitler'....Nice!! It'd be nice if you could put off naming a baby for a few years, if they were very bright you could then safely name them 'Einstein', or a Lesbian..'Butch'. You take a chance giving your child a descriptive name in case it turns out to be ironic, 'Einstein' just wouldn't suit a grown up skinhead boxer. So, for the time being I'm going with:
'Hank Einstein Sean Mozart Scanlan' for a boy.
'Maria Calais Emily Megan Fox Scanlan' for a girl.
All bases covered there I think!
EDIT..We ended up calling my daughter Grace, she was born too early and after a few days, being told her life might end we quickly picked a name (after a cheap women's face cream I saw in the bathroom, that morning)..Sorry Gracie, I wish I had better story about that...I love you!
No shit. My son's name is Hank Scanlan.
Seriously..Hank Scanlan...best name ever!!
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