Breaking up with the person you're dating/screwing is pretty easy, you either just stop calling them, tell them it's over and barring some psycho, they'll take the hint. Friends however are different. Sometimes you just outgrow your friends, and forget why you ever befriended them in the first place and without sex to fill in the empty spaces, it effectivley over. But you see them anyway, you'd never (certainly shouldn't) do this with an Ex. You stop calling them, stop replying to E-mails, answering thier calls and now you're a shitty friend. You can't say 'I don't think we should see each other anymore' because you can't follow it up with 'I think we should just be friends'??!!??......So my advice is to bite the bullet and sleep with them. Then they are grouped into a different category and it's easier to say' We made a terrible mistake..SeeYa!!' If you're both of the same sex, then 'Trying it on' with them is probably just as effective.
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