Sunday 9 November 2008

I hope we never end up like this....

Sometime when we're out, my girlfriend and I see these couples that just sit there silently with each other. Hours pass and they just sit there, no passion, no words, no life together. I sometimes wonder if something terrible has passed between them or they're just too afraid to find someone else. And these aren't always older couples, more often than not they're young people. As we sit there mauling each other & laughing until Morgan Spice rum comes down our noses, i wonder if we'll end up like that. A lot has passed between us too, and we're together a long time, but if you're gonna be with someone you should make that all it can be. Or maybe that's enough for them, maybe they'll go home and fuck each other's brains out on the kitchen table, after all we just go home, peck on the cheek, 'night dear and off to sleep. But, we do usually have sex in a tree on the way home.

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