Tuesday, 24 February 2009

It's My Birthday!!

I'm 38 today!!.I guess it's time to start being responsible. My girlfriend's away which puts a damper on it. But it's my son's best friend's birthday today as well which also puts a damper on it. On the other hand it's also my brother's birthday today, so it was fun celebrating it with him today since he's just back from Australia in time. I got some cool presents!!

Thursday, 19 February 2009

I Miss my Girlfriend..

She's gone to England for a week. My house feels very empty. She gets a great kick outta of annoying me and though I pretend to be annoyed, I really love it. I might sleep on the couch for a week, my bed would be way too lonely!!

Sunday, 8 February 2009

Again With The Photoshop!!

See, you can do 3D text with photoshop

Friday, 6 February 2009

Cartoons Again

Marks outta 10??

I'm the kinda person that has to be the best at everything I do. It's easy to compare the things I'm good at by watching other people, Musicians, Fathers, IT guys, Footballers, Boxers etc..But I've never seen any other guy have sex with a woman in real life, so although I think I'm good, i really have no clue. I've been told I am, but maybe my girlfriends have been too polite to tell me I'm crap. They seem to have a good time, but it's sex, you always have a good time. I'm trying to come up with a method of finding out how good I am, I first thought that a threesome with some other guy, but women haven't been accomodating so far. Then I thought of calling up Ex's & asking them what they thought of me in hindsight, but I suspect they might be mean, judging by the fact that I probably dumped them. (I wouldn't really do any of those things, I'm just curious is all). I'll just have to be happy with the fact that I might be an alright lover and not as i think...The Greatest Fuck on the Planet!!

Dirty Dreams...

Every night for a week I've been dreaming about sex. Dunno why, I never dreamt about that before, (except when I'm awake). They're the most vivid, realistic dreams I've ever had. It wouldn't be so weird if I wasn't dreaming about people (Women) I know. I seriously can't face these people anymore, when i see them, despite myself, I'll blurt out...'I had a dream about you last night!!'..and friendship over!!..I'm off now to analyze myself as to why I'm having these dreams in the first place..Maybe it's time to start cheating!!

Thursday, 5 February 2009

I have the Flu...

Oh Man, I'd prefer to have penis cancer!!..I want my Mommy!!.although Sharon is taking good care of me, she's making me herbal tea with lemons, & giving me tablets & stuff. I know what would make me feel much better right now, but i don't wanna pass it on to her!!